Airbus A321 cn 2903

Frame last update: 07-Dec-2021

Registration: YL-LDA
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: CFM56-5B3/P x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

All Operators of This Frame
Reg Date Model Operator Notes Seen Photo
D-AVZDxx-xx-2006A321-211Airbus Industrie
VP-BQRxx-xx-2006A321-211Aeroflot - Russian Airlines
SP-HAXxx-xx-2016A321-211Small Planet Airlinesfrd SVO-WAW, s21.05.16 Aeroflot col, new reg stickers, frd WAW-WOE 09.06.16, ret BUD 17.06.16 after repaint, del/fis 25.07.16, frd KTW-JED 25.11.16 lsd to Nesma Air, ret to SP JED-Gdansk 01.05.17, wfs 15.09.18, WAW-SHJ 15-16.09.18, VP-BVF WeGo Air lse from GTLK ntu 2019, testfl SHJ 03.05.19
YL-LDAxx-xx-2019A321-211SmartLynx Airlinesown GTLK, slsd to Condor 16.05.19, ret 11.11.19 BOJ, frd to RIX 30.03.20 pkd
YL-LDAxx-xx-2021A321-211LessorP2F Conv
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Personal Sightings of Frame
Date Reg Operator Location Notes
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Other Users Sightings of Frame
Date Reg Operator Location User
21-10-2021 YL-LDA SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFAyronautica
03-11-2019 YL-LDA SmartLynx AirlinesGCTSFlyDroo
24-07-2019 YL-LDA SmartLynx AirlinesOTT/OFFgrahamepage
11-02-2017 SP-HAX Small Planet AirlinesEGBBdixieboy
03-08-2016 SP-HAX Small Planet AirlinesEGCCFlyDroo
18-07-2015 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEHAMGreggy
17-10-2008 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesLFPGcolinw
17-05-2008 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesLFPGGreggy
26-01-2008 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLWarthog1
22-07-2007 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLGreggy
16-12-2006 VP-BQR Aeroflot - Russian AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage