ATR 72 [192]

Registration: G-NPTF
Operator: West Atlantic UK
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GKPECorse Mediterranee72-2021991Air Martinique NTU,str 7.90 s Toulouse, CCM AL r27.04.06 ex lse, frd to Dinard 02.10.06, sTLS 10.11.06 white, at Lat
EC-KAEWest Air Europe72-2022007frd TLS-MAD 21.12.06, own West Air, sold to Swiftair 11.01.07, frd MAD to Dublin 31.05.08 wlsd to Aer Arann white, ret Swiftair 21.07.08
EC-KAEMaya Island Air72-2022009sMAD 03.06.09 fc, frd MAD--BZE 23-25.06.09
EC-KAESwiftair72-2022010frd BZE--MAD 07-09.05.10
PR-AZZAzul Linhas Aereas72-2022011del TLS--CNF 27-28.07.11 F-rgd, frd SID--LFBF 22-25.06.12 on ret to lessor
EC-LSNSwiftair72-2022012frd TLS-BLL 17.08.12, Cimber A/S (new company) wlsd opf SAS from 27.08.12 SAS cs, ret Swiftair 06.06.14, lsd to Air Europa 14.06.14 still Azul bcs, sLPA 23.06.14 with Swiftair, still Azul bcs
G-NPTFWest Atlantic UK72-2022022
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-NPTF West Atlantic UKOTT/OFFWarthog1
EC-LSN SwiftairEGPFFlyDroo