ATR 72 [198]

Registration: EI-SLS
Operator: ASL Airlines Ireland
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-22702 Foshing Airlines72-2011990
B-22702 TransAsia Airlines72-2011991to AIR 11.97
EC-GQUAir Nostrum72-2011997F-AIR 11.97,sTLS 27.11.97/AN s7.01.98 is/s5.98 white, Ib/Nostrum tit
F-WQNDATR 72-2012001rr, sTLS 17.10.01, reg quoted by ATR 11.01, sSIDMI ramp 16.12.01 white no tit, 198 on fus., s22.08.02 TLS white, Islas ntu?
EC-IKKIslas Airways72-2012002based Canaries, s9.02 Toulouse-SIDMI fc, s11.12.02 TLS fc (first repo of both F-WQNJ and EC-IKK), EC-rgd by 01.03, see cn 519, frd LPA-TLS 10.03.09 white, ret lessor,
HB-AFSFarnair Europe72-201(F)2009overhaul at TLS Lat
P2-KXZAir Niugini72-201(F)2013arr Port Moresby 28.06.13, HB-reg canc 15.07.13
HS-AFSASL Airlines Switzerland72-201(F)2015frd Port Mor--DPS 15.12.15, canc 08.16
EI-SLSASL Airlines Ireland72-201(F)2016fis 09.09.16 CGN-SXF
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-SLS ASL Airlines IrelandEGBBEmirates101
EI-SLS ASL Airlines IrelandEGBBEmirates101
HB-AFS Farnair EuropeEGPKAyronautica
HB-AFS Farnair EuropeEGPKAyronautica
EC-IKK Islas AirwaysGCXOGreggy
EC-IKK Islas AirwaysGCXOGreggy