ATR 72 [207]

Registration: EC-KJA
Operator: Swiftair
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZS-NDJFlitestar 72-2021991wfu 11.04.94/ str TLS s6.91 all white Pan Am Express N7271 NTU/s3.08.94 TLS white
F-ORANRoyal Air Cambodge72-2021994s17.10.94 TLS/XU-RAN NTU/rProL-Kamp/sBangkok 4.10.97 fc,str (AL NOT ceas ops,is JP98)/sis 3.98, sDinard 15.08.99 fc, s21.08.99 'Regional' tit, sDinard 11.11.99 full Royal Cambodge tit/col
F-GPOBl'Aeropostale72-2022000rSF Aeropostale r23.06.00, sClermont Ferrand 3.10.00 white
F-GPOBEurope Air Post72-2022001sCDG 16.06.03 white, sTLS 20.02.04 white at SIDMI facility, sLimoges 13.08.04, sCDG 11.03.05, "still" str TLS s21.03.07 white
EC-KJASwiftair72-2022007sMAD 13.08.07 fc, sBOM 21.05.10 opf Deccan Cargo, full Swiftair col, ret MAD 03.02.11 from lse
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-KJA SwiftairLEPASteve OBE
EC-KJA SwiftairLEMDJLRAviation