ATR 72 [210]

Registration: EI-SLF
Operator: ASL Airlines Ireland
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-22703 Foshing Airlines72-2011991
B-22703 TransAsia Airlines72-2011992
EC-GQVAir Nostrum72-2011997AIR 11.97/AN s12.01.98 /s5.98 white, Ib/Nos tit
OY-RUADanish Air Transport72-2012002ATR ret, sDinard 1.06.99 F-rgd, white, Iberia tail, Ib Reg/Air Nostum/Communitat Valenciana tit, SX-BSY Cretan AL fc s10.12.00 Dinard, s4.03.01 id, ntu, OY-rgd 7.01.02, arr Billund 13.01.02 for repaint before ent svc, ATR rgd 22.03.02, opb Danish AT
EI-SLFAir Contractors72-2012002also repo r27.11.02, ex Danish col, sMadrid for F-conversion, s TLS 17.09.03, sis THF 12.04.07 tail in ex Continental col (presum taken from other aircraft)
EI-SLFASL Airlines Ireland72-2012015
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-SLF ASL Airlines IrelandEGCCSteve OBE
EI-SLF ASL Airlines IrelandEGSSGreggy
EI-SLF Air ContractorsLFPGWarthog1
EI-SLF Air ContractorsEGPFAyronautica
EI-SLF Air ContractorsEGSSgrahamepage
EI-SLF Air ContractorsEGSSGreggy