ATR 72 [212]

Registration: LY-MCA
Operator: Danu Oro Transportas
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-22705 Foshing Airlines72-2011991
B-22705 TransAsia Airlines72-2011992
OH-KRHFinnair72-2011998sTLS 16.11.98 basic Transasia, Finnair AcF r23.12.03
ES-KRHAero Airlines72-2012004rr 26.08.05, ret to Finnair, sold to ATR Leasing by 06.07
HL5232Hansung Airlines72-2012007AL ceased ops 18.10.08, s Singapore XSP 12.04.09 in Fokker hangar, canc 10.09.09 ret lessor
SE-MCAGolden Air Flyg72-2012010reg res 08.09, frd FJR--AGH 10-13.10.09 SE-rgd already, s
SE-MCABlue172-2012011frd NRK-ARN basic Blue1 col prior wlse, available for operating lease via 07.11
LY-MCADanu Oro Transportas72-2012012frd Esbjerg--Accra 18-19.02.12 wetlsd to Antrak Air, SE-reg canc 22.02.12,ret to Danu, frd to Poznan 13.05.12, lsd to LGW 29.06.13 opf Air Berlin, based STR, white, blue engines no titles, frd CPH-CNM 16.03.14 wlsd to RAM, frd Kaunas-Dublin 03.06.14, Aer Arann/Stobart wetlse fis 04.06.14, frd to Tallinn 04.07.14 after lse, wlsd to TACV, frd CPH--Praia 27-28.08.14 white, wlsd to FlyBe 08.10.14 arr BHX, ret to Sonderberg 25.10.14, wlsd to Stobart Air, frd Kaunas-SEN 25.10.15 FlyBe contract, frd SE
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
LY-MCA Danu Oro TransportasOTT/OFFJLRAviation
LY-MCA Danu Oro TransportasEGPHFlyDroo
00-00-0000 LY-MCA Danu Oro TransportasEGBBdixieboy