ATR 72 [234]

Registration: EC-LST
Operator: Air Europa
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GHPVCorse Mediterranee72-2011991
F-GHPVBritair72-2011992s white is 8.97,s1.98 AF col,Brit tit, Brit Air r27.03.01, ANTS r29.03.01, lsd to Brit till 31.10.02, arr Southend 16.11.02 for repaint, ret Morlaix 20.11.02 white, str, s03.08.03 pkd, ANTS own, lsd to Air Atl. 16.10.03-15.10.08
F-GHPVAir Atlantique (France)72-2012003lse, due ret 15.10.08, AL ceased early 04.04, s St Brieuc 24.10.04 white, canc 15.12.04
EC-JDXSwiftair72-2012004s28.05.05 Almeria white, s28.12.05 Cascais white, large Swiftair titl, sArrecife 12.10.06 white, still 'PV' on nosewheeldoor
EC-JDXMaya Island Air72-2012009sMAD 03.06.09 fc, frd MAD--BZE 23-25.06.09
EC-JDXSwiftair72-2012010frd MAD--Wau (Sudan) 17-18.02.10 UN col
SP-OLLOLT Express Regional72-2012012sis SZZ 10.07.12 titles, ex Swiftair cs, also repo first svc 12.07.12 Gdansk
EC-LSTSwiftair72-2012012frd GDN-MAD hybrid cs, rr late 08.12
EC-LSTAir Europa72-2012013s Swiftair bcs, Air Europa titles, s17.02.14 BCN added 'Extremadura Cerca de T1' titles
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-LST Air EuropaLEPASteve OBE
EC-LST Air EuropaLEPAgrahamepage
EC-LST Air EuropaLEALFlyDroo
EC-LST Air EuropaLEMDGreggy
F-GHPV BritairLFPOAyronautica
F-GHPV BritairLFPOAyronautica
F-GHPV BritairLFPGAyronautica