ATR 72 [237]

Registration: C-GPBR
Operator: Calm Air
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ANFCNFD - Nurnberger Flugdienst72-2021991AmEagle 42 NTU
D-ANFCEurowings 72-2021993LTr-Eurowings r9.94, wfu 27.02.05 Nuremberg tt 27574:57, 23382 l
D-ANFCAvanti Air72-2022005sWAW 02.05.05 ex Eurowings col no titl, opf Fedex, arr NWI 21.08.05 for repaint, s01.09.05 Avanti fc Dresden
D-ANFCBangkok Airways72-2022007depa Siegerland, for winter, sBKK 10.12.07 full Avanti col
D-ANFCAvanti Air72-2022008arr SGE 03.04.08, sNaples 17.05, 23.06.08 opf Meridiana, ret Avanti, sMAN 05.11.08, FlyOnAir (Pescara) wlsd, billboard titl s04.09 for domestic flights from Pescara, ret to MGL 11.09.09, repainted, ret to Avanti Air SGE 21.09.09 or 13.10.09, frd to NUE for wlse to Air Berlin 28.02.10, ret 01.05.10 to SGE, sSonderborg 13.11.12 add FlyTouropa titles
D-ANFCIntersky Airlines72-2022013for ex OLT service Karlsruhe-Hamburg, frd Saarbr
D-ANFCDarwin Airlines72-2022014frd SGD-GVA
C-GPBRCalm Air 72-2022014frd Sonderborg--Trois Rivieres 18-19.06.14 for repaint, r17.09.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
D-ANFC Avanti AirEGHIWarthog1
D-ANFC Eurowings EHAMGreggy