ATR 72 [265]

Registration: HA-KAI
Operator: Fleet Air International
HEX Code: 471A70
Engines: PWC PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
SP-LFBLOT Polish Airlines72-2021991
SP-LFBEuroLOT72-2022001still LOT fc sis WAW 05.06.05, s05.08.05 LOT col Eurolot titl, s13.10.06 full Eurolot col, frd to Exeter 28.08.12 for overhaul, depa 06.10.12
HB-AFXFarnair Europe72-202(F)2013frd WAW-Sonderborg 29.10.13, not to NAC, F-cvtd, frd to Basel 03.12.13
HB-AFXASL Airlines Switzerland72-202(F)2015arr SNN 07.03.16 Farnair cs, repaint in ASL cs, depa 17.03.16
EI-SOAASL Airlines Ireland72-202(F)2017
G-OASLASL Airlines UK72-202(F)2020Ent svc 25.03.2021. WFU and std HOQ 18.12.2023
HA-KAIFleet Air International72-202(F)2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-SOA ASL Airlines IrelandEGNXFlyDroo
HB-AFX ASL Airlines SwitzerlandOTT/OFFgrahamepage
SP-LFB EuroLOTEDDFAyronautica
SP-LFB LOT Polish AirlinesEDDFAyronautica
SP-LFB LOT Polish AirlinesLOWWWarthog1