ATR 72 [292]

Registration: C-FTMY
Operator: FedEx Feeder
HEX Code: C0337D
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ANFFNFD - Nurnberger Flugdienst72-2021992is 30.4 NUE-Berl Temp
D-ANFFEurowings 72-2021993own R Santner 2.93/SEND 22.1-27.01.96 EW col, to Luftfahrzeug-Leasing r9.98, dam 22.12.04 Frankfurt, skidded off runway on landing, nose gear collapsed and badly dam lower fuselage, repaired, frd to NUE 05.04.05, wfu 13.09.05 NUE, titles/logos removed 27.09.05, arrflight 20.10.05, 26.10.05 for CoA, tt 26722:42, 27384 l
N813FXFedEx Feeder72-2022005frd NUE-REK 04.11.05 for Spokane, Empire Airlines ops, s pkd Coeur D'Alene ID 04.06 presum not yet F-cvtd
EI-FXJAir Contractors72-2022007frd Kefl-Dublin 24.05.07 basic Eurowings col, CDG 27.05.07, r/o SNN 11.09.10 full FedEx col, to CDG 14.09.10
EI-FXJASL Airlines Ireland72-2022015
C-FTMYMorningstar Air Express72-2022020Opb Morningstar Express
C-FTMYFedEx Feeder72-2022020Opb Morningstar Air Express
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-FXJ ASL Airlines IrelandLFBOLGW_Harris
EI-FXJ ASL Airlines IrelandOTT/OFFdixieboy
EI-FXJ Air ContractorsEGPFAyronautica
EI-FXJ Air ContractorsEGCCcolinw
D-ANFF Eurowings EHAMGreggy
D-ANFF Eurowings EHAMGreggy
D-ANFF Eurowings EDDFAyronautica
D-ANFF Eurowings LFPGAyronautica