ATR 72 [307]

Registration: OM-VRC
Operator: Danube Wings
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GKOCTAT European Airlines72-2021992own FCL
F-GKOCKampuchea Airlines 72-2021994(TAPL94)
F-GKOCTAT European Airlines72-2021994sis fc
F-GKOCVietnam Airlines72-2021996
F-GKOCAir Liberte72-2021999frd Moscow--Rodez 20-21.04.99, s6.05.99 Orly white, id 12.06.99, opb Airlinair by 12.99, due for Air Libert
F-GKOCIran Aseman Airlines72-2022002sDinard 11.03.02 fc, due for del, own FFL, due ret 22.03.03, canc 12.06.03
EC-IPJBinter Canarias72-2022003arr Malaga 13.06.03, to Dinard 08.10.06, overhaul, ret LPA 31.10.06, ret lessor by 04.07, Naysa Aerotaxis lsd 21.04.07, in svc full old Binter col with 'operated by Naysa' sticker, sLanz. 24.10.08, frd LPA--DNR 17-18.04.09 ret ATR
OM-VRCDanube Wings72-2022009frd Dinard--Bratislava 13.07.09
OM-VRCConfort Airlines72-2022011frd OSR-BTS 24.02.11 added titles (new airline from Equatorial Guinea), frd BTS--Malabo 01.03.11, 'lease unsuccessful' , see below
OM-VRCDanube Wings72-2022011sMUC full Danube col, partly Confort logo still visible, wlsd to NextJet Sweden 03.12, Danube ceased late 11.13 or early 12.13, 'still' str LFBF s21.09.14, Regional One Inc (Miami FL) bt 02.15, still at Toulouse-Fr s21.07.15 Danube cs, s05.16, N307RT res 11.16, res cancelled 01.06.17 ntu, s wfu LFBF 06.17 minus outer wings
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-IPJ Binter CanariasGCXOGreggy
F-GKOC TAT European AirlinesLFPOAyronautica
F-GKOC TAT European AirlinesLFPOAyronautica