ATR 72 [316]

Registration: 5N-BPE
Operator: Overland Airways
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-OHOBAir Gabon 72-2021993sTLS white 9.92,3.93/r29.04.93 GIE/Gabon F-GKOE, F-OHFA TAT NTU (or Gabon bt?),s4.06.95 Dinard fc (wfu,overh??)
F-OHOBVietnam Airlines72-2021995sSaig 5.96
RDPL-34137Lao Aviation72-2022000sDXB 17.11.00, wearing F-OHOB and RDPL-regs, F-reg canc 21.11.00
RDPL-34137Lao Airlines72-2022003sis 08.06 nc, frd to TLS arr 04.12.10 pkd Lat
PR-AZWAzul Linhas Aereas72-2022011ATR F-rgd 12.10, PR Azul fc sSt Brieuc 30.03.11, arr TLS 26.05.12, ret ATR
5N-BPEOverland Airways72-202201212.10.18 Lagos 0(0) destroyed by fire during maintenance / F-rgd 05.12, sOverland cs 08.12, frd LFBF--Ghardaia 26-28.10.12
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