ATR 72 [367]

Registration: PP-STY
Operator: Flyways Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-GKOKBangkok Airways72-2021994sTLS 13.10.93,due leave TLS 19.11.94
HS-PGBBangkok Airways 72-2021994frd Exeter-Dinard 12.02.03 ret less, s16.02.03 basic col
EC-IMHBinter Canarias72-2022003Grampus F-rgd and canc 13.03.03, sLanz 01.04.03 revised col, ret lessor ar 02.05
EI-REGAer Arann72-2022005arr Cork 29.03.05, frd to Dinard 30.03.05 for maint, mods, rr COmhfhorbairt 29.04.05, frd to DUB 29.04.05 fc, lsd to FlyBe, frd to GLA 31.05.08, ret to Aer Arann 07.06.08
OM-VRBDanube Wings72-2022008frd DNR-BTS 13.12.08, sDUS 06.05.12 fcs, add Jura-tourism titles, for sale via 07.13, Danube ceased late 11.13 or early 12.13, s str Bratislava 15.03.14, frd to Toulouse 19.06.14
PP-STYLessor72-2022014sLFBF 17.07.14 fcs, del LFBF--LPA 25.09.14 fcs for third party operator, 2nd AC will follow
PP-STYFlyways Linhas Aereas72-2022015sManaus 09.11.15 being painted, str PLU by 04.16, court ordered by 17.06.16 airline to return aircraft to Elix Assets 1 (owner), AL temp ceased, but this aircraft presum didn't return in svc by 11.16, see PP-TKN, scrapped PLU 21-24.07.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-REG Aer ArannEGGWJLRAviation
EI-REG Aer ArannEIDWAyronautica