ATR 72 [387]

Registration: SP-SPD
Operator: SprintAir
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
N641ASDelta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines)72-2121995ASA to Delta AL 26.08.05 lsd back, type wfu 01.12.08
EI-SLLAer Arann72-2122009DL to Bank of Utah 27.10.09, frd ISO--EDI 30.10-01.11.09 basic DL col N-rgd, r23.12.09, s08.02.10 mod to JAR standards, for lse to Arann in pax config, frd EDI-DUB 26.04.10, r/o 01.05.10 white, green engines, titles, s03.05.10 DUB, to EDI 02.11.10 for overhaul, ret in svc 03.11.10
EI-SLLAer Lingus Regional72-2122011repaint SNN 26.04-05.05 fc, last svc 24.04.13, frd to NWI 25.04.13 for repaint, ret lessor
OK-YFTCSA Czech Airlines72-2122013frd NWI-EDI 06.05.13 for rudder balance and repaint Skyteam fcs, EDI-PRG 14.08.13, frd PRG-LFBF 01.08.15 on return lessor, canc 08.15
EI-SLLASL Airlines Ireland72-212(F)2015being F-cvtd 10.15 with large cargo door at ASI, LFBF for del 02.16, canc 12.07.16
SP-SPDSprintAir72-212(F)2016frd LFBF--WAW
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SP-SPD SprintAirLSGGWarthog1
SP-SPD SprintAirEGPFFlyDroo
EI-SLL Aer ArannEGGWgrahamepage
EI-SLL Aer ArannEGGWAyronautica
EI-SLL Aer ArannOTT/OFFAyronautica