ATR 72 [389]

Registration: N816HC
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
B-22716 TransAsia Airlines72-2011994sTLS primer 24.11.93, repo to Finnair 12.98 but ntu/error, still with Transasia JP02
HB-AFNFarnair Europe72-201(F)2007depa TSA 13.05.07 full Transasia col, arr Chateauroux 15.05.07, s25.05.07 now basic Farnair col, F-cvtd at Naples by 10.07, to 202 on Swiss reg 10.07, rgd to Fortis Lease Suisse, Commerz Real Mobilienleasing GmbH r07.13 still lsd to Farnair
HB-AFNASL Airlines Switzerland72-201(F)2015
EI-SLTASL Airlines Ireland72-201(F)2016sLPZ 20.01.16 still Farnair bcs
N816HCEmpire Airlines 72-201(F)2020
N816HCOhana by Hawaiian Airlines72-201(F)2020opb Empire, rSNN 26.02.20, frd SNN--SAT 05-08.03.20
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-AFN Farnair EuropeEGPKAyronautica
HB-AFN Farnair EuropeLMMLgrahamepage
HB-AFN Farnair EuropeEGPKAyronautica