ATR 72 [396]

Registration: HB-ALM
Operator: Zimex Aviation
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-OLAOLao Aviation72-2021995sTLS primer 7.12.93,Transas col s23.06.94,s8.11.94-but NTU,s30.11.94 Lao col/R-rgd sBKK 22.03.98
RDPL-34132 Lao Aviation 72-2021996
RDPL-34132 Lao Airlines72-2022001arr TLS 18.12.10 ret lessor pkd Lat
PR-AZVAzul Linhas Aereas72-2022011sTLS 03.03.11 pink livery, PR-reg worn on left side only, depa TLS--CNF 12-13.04.11 F-rgd 'La Ville Rose', frd to TLS 27.03.12 ret to ATR or overhaul, s29.04.12
ZS-XCESolenta Aviation72-2022012F-rrgd 03.12, Solenta bt 03.08.12, not rgd as of 09.10.12, Solenta r09.11.12, sTLS 13.12.12 white, windows blanked off inside, cvtd to freighter? frd TLS-Tamanrasset 20.12.12 white, marketed online for sale/lse 03.15 no details
HB-ALMZimex Aviation72-2022016frd LFBF--MST 30.03.16, frd MST-EMA 18.04.16, repainted in BDA (Bespoke Distribution Aviation) Logistics cs, ret MST 26.04.16 for CVT flights for BDA
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-ALM Zimex AviationEGBBEGLL Spotter
HB-ALM Zimex AviationOTT/OFFJLRAviation
00-00-0000 HB-ALM Zimex AviationEGBBdixieboy