ATR 72 [422]

Registration: XY-AIA
Operator: Myanmar National Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-OHLBAir Mandalay72-2121994s7.10.94 TLS, ATR to Fransom 15.04.98, due ret 14.04.03, F-reg canc 16.12.99
HS-PGJBangkok Airways72-2121999sBKK 28.12.99, retd via Muscat no titles s22.06.02 (mistakenly repo as HS-PGS), sTLS 30.07.02
OY-CIWCimber Air72-2122003sSIDMI TLS 27.10.02 still as HS-PGJ basic Bangkok AW col, F-reg alloc by 10.02, s SIDMI 05.01.03 white, s17.05.03, ATRiam Cap OY-rgd 18.07.03, first seen 20.07.03 CPH, is 20.07.03
XY-AIAMyanmar Airways72-2122004ATR ret, arr SIDMI TLS 22.10.04, OY-reg canc 24.11.04, F-rrgd 23.11.04, frd TLS-Luxor 17.12.04 as F-WQNQ, s rrgd Yangon 17.02.05 white
XY-AIAAir Bagan72-2122005sKUL fc
XY-AIAAir Mandalay72-2122011basic Myanma AW col, Air Mand. titl, s23.04.11, one sighting 01.12.11 Myanma AW presum incorrect, still with Air Mandalay in fleet books 2014
XY-AIAMyanmar National Airlines72-2122011
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