ATR 72 [454]

Registration: PR-TTI
Operator: TRIP Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Written Off
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-MCSMount Cook Airline72-2121995frd Christ--Darwin 11.01.00 fc, ret ATR
N531ASDelta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines)72-2122000sMontp 7.03.00 F-rgd, ASA fc, FSB 13.03.00, arr Macon 15.03.00, ret lessor, frd Macon-Montreal YUL 15.02.05 white, frd to Manaus 16-17.03.05
PR-TTITotal Linhas Aereas72-2122005sBelo Horizonte 15.04.05 white, N-reg canc 10.06.05, due in svc 20.06.05
PR-TTITRIP Linhas Aereas72-212200821.02.11 Altamira 0(51) also repo 47 on board/ went of side of the runway on landing, came to rest leaning on left wing, may have hit a hole in the runway, str Altamira s07.11, aircraft scrapped, fuselage sold to an individual / nb s26.05.08 fcs
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