ATR 72 [455]

Registration: C-GRFU
Operator: Avionco Canada
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
HS-PGDBangkok Airways72-2021995s30.07.01 both Bangkok AW/Siem Reap Air tit, s TLS 31.08.04 basic old Bkk col, retd, canc 01.09.04
5H-PAMPrecision Air Services72-2022004frd TLS-St. Brieuc 06.09.04 F-rgd ret ATR, own ATRiam Capital r01.11.04, sDar Es Salaam 03.12.04 full col, 5H-rgd
HL5230Hansung Airlines72-2022006frd Brindisi-Luxot 29.09.06, also repo as ex F-WQNE, but see cn 456 and 276, sGMP 04.01.08 white/titles logos, AL ceased ops 18.10.08
VT-DEADeccan 36072-202(F)2011HL-reg canc 14.09.09 ret ATR, sDMK 24.09.09 Hansung col F-rgd, frd OJAI--GMMB 29.09.09 for maint, frd Rabat-TLS-St Brieuc 11-12.03.10, s26.05.10 white, frd to TLS 30.11.10 white, F-cvtd, sold to Deccan Cargo & Express Logistics, frd TLS-MPL 08.04.11, Deccan 360 ceased 04.11, to return or remain in Europe
N455CJLessor72-202(F)2016frd DMK--Coeur d'Alene 23-28.08.16 still Deccan fcs, marketed 01.19 by ACI Aviation through Aeroconnect for lease or sale , frd DZB-YLW 01-02.11.19
C-GRFUAvionco Canada72-202(F)2020frd YLW-YAM 20.03.20
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