ATR 72 [456]

Registration: VT-DEB
Operator: NDR Warehousing Pvt
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-OHJAAir Tahiti72-2021995Air Tahiti r5.06.01 ex lse, frd Noumea-Cairns 8.07.01, sTLS 20.07.01 SIDMI facility, retd to ATR, s18.11.01 white no tit '456' on fus, frd TLS-Montpellier 14.02.02 white, s18.02.02
T3-ATRAir Kiribati72-2022002sMontpellier 26.05.02 fc F-rgd, canc 29.05.02, s2.06.02 now T3-rgd, lse to Mount Cook AL 12.02 ntu, possibly the unid ATR in Air Kiribati col which arr TLS 16.03.04
HL5229Hansung Airlines72-2022005frd Nandi--TLS 10-16.03.04 ret ATR, s21.04.04 pkd at SIDMI still T3-rgd, s12.10.04 T3-rgd but F-reg acc to ATR, depa TLS 26.01.05 still in full Kiribati col, to Hansung, due in svc 27.06.05, suspended ops 11.05 but intends to restart, ret ATR early 04.06, frd TLS-Paphos-Dubai 15.06.06, not to YV1850, see cn 276,
HL5229Hansung Airlines72-2022006restored to HL5229, s27.10.06 Seoul, in svc? sGMP 04.10.08 white, titles/logos, AL ceased ops 18.10.08
VT-DEBDeccan 36072-202(F)2011arr TLS 01.07.09, frd to St Brieuc 02.07.09, s01.11.09 white, frd to TLS 08.12.10 white, frd TLS-MPL 26.02.11, depa 05.03.11 on del, sBOM 24.03.11 fc, Deccan 360 ceased 04.11, AC to return to Europe, s str Calcutta 23.12.13, s24.07.15, offered for lease or sale 07.16
VT-DEBNDR Warehousing Pvt72-202(F)2016canc 28.08.18 pwfu
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