ATR 72 [460]

Registration: VH-AK2
Operator: Aerlink
HEX Code: 7C0184
Engines: PWC PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-MCXMount Cook Airline72-2121996
F-WQLLLessor72-2122000ATRiam Capital
N533ASDelta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines)72-2122000frd Goose Bay-Bangor 29.04.00, own FSB, frd to Montreal YUL 31.05.05 white ret less, frd YUL--Dinard 11-12.07.05 white, frd to TLS 19.01.06 Latecoere, canc 01.03.06 to F-
F-WQNALessor72-2122006ATRiam Capital
5H-PARPrecision Air Services72-2122006Dam 08.07.07 Nairobi NBO, veered off runway, noseleg collapsed, still being repaired 02.08, arr TLS 28.01.10 ret lessor
F-WNUCLessor72-2122010ATRiam Capital
ZS-XCBSolenta Aviation72-2122010F-rgd 02.10, sTLS 27.04.10 white, testflight, F-rgd, frd TLS-Tamanrasset 01.05.10
ZS-XCBComair72-2122011sJNB 13.04.11 full BA col, for Comair ops based Lanseria, in svc 03.05.11
ZS-XCBSenegal Airlines72-2122012own Solenta, frd Tamanrasset--LFBF 31.10-04.11.13 white
ZS-XCBAfrica Aviation72-2122016frd MGL--LBV 15-16.04.16 titles/logo, to be F-cvtd early 2017, offered for sale/lease as pax aircraft 11.18, tt 34439, 40851 l
ZS-XCBSolenta Aviation72-212(F)2019Freight conv at COE 08.2019-11.2020
TR-XCHSolenta Aviation Gabon72-212(F)2020
2-KPOWLessor72-212(F)2023ACIA Aero Leasing
VH-AK2Aerlink72-212(F)2024Lsd from ACIA Aero Leasing
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N533AS Delta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines)KEWRGreggy