ATR 72 [464]

Registration: E7-AAD
Operator: BH Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
ZK-MCCMount Cook Airline72-2121995not in reg by 11.99
N535ASDelta Connection (Atlantic Southeast Airlines)72-2122000sMontpellier 5.11.99 no reg (C on noseleg door), fc, traded in by ATR, FSB 14.01.00 trustee for ATR, s4.02.00 fnc, due ret 11.04, ret ATR, frd Macon-Montreal YUL 10.12.04, arr Dinard 31.12.04, canc to F- 22.04.05
T9-AADB & H Airlines72-2122005ATR ret 01.05 F-rgd, airtest Dinard 12.05.05 , filed T9-AAD just like cn 465, frd to Sarajevo 19.05.05, sis ZRH 29.10.05
E7-AADBH Airlines72-2122009r/o (offical prefex change 06.08) AL ceased early 04.13 when this AC (last flying AC for BH) was due for maintenance, AL restarted ar 13, ceased again 11.06.15, see also cn 465, reg canc 08.17 pwfu, fuselage s27.07.17 MGL, broken up MGL by 03.18
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
E7-AAD BH AirlinesLSZHGreggy