ATR 72 [468]

Registration: EC-LYJ
Operator: Air Europa
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWLVATR72-212A 1996
OY-CIMCimber Air72-212A1999on prodline 27.10.95/s1.97 due Air Greece NTU/s15.05.97 with 'ATR-72-210A' titles TLS prepa for demo in Scand/ China Xinjiang AL,sTLS fc 21.08.97 NTU B-3021/s 4.09.97 no props/s30.10.98 still ChXinjiang col TLS, s8.02.99 white, s CPH 12.06.02 "Denmark France 2-0 adieu Les Bleus!" add titles, canc 27.10.04
EC-JCRAir Nostrum72-212A2004sMadrid 05.02.05 fc, ret to Cimber, arr TLS 07.08.06
EC-JCRBinter Canarias 72-212A2006fc sis 24.08.06 Lanzarote, ret lessor, LPA-MPL 19.07.10
OY-CIMCimber Air72-212A2010frd MPL-Sonderborg 27.07.10 ret lessor, OY-reg restored, Cimber Air r18.08.10, in svc 28.08.10, Danske Aviation Group, c/o Wayzata Investment Partners LLC r09.12.10, AL ceased 03.05.12, str Copenhagen, for operating lease via 12.12
EC-LYJAntrak Air72-212A2013replacing cn 809 dam 16.08.13, Antrak temp ceases ops ar 15.06.15 for three months, looks at owned aircraft due to problems with Swiftair and to return ops ar 15.09.15
EC-LYJAir Europa72-212A2015sPMI white
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-LYJ Air EuropaLEPAgrahamepage
EC-LYJ Air EuropaLEALFlyDroo
EC-LYJ Air EuropaOTT/OFFAlan Alicante
EC-JCR Air NostrumLEALgrahamepage
EC-JCR Air NostrumLEMDGreggy