ATR 72 [509]

Registration: OY-RUG
Operator: Danish Air Transport
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-UKTJKLM UK72-2021997arr Stanst white,NWI 20.12.97,for KLM-UK col, KLM UK r4.06.99, sDuss. 27.10.99 no tit/logo
G-UKTJGill Airways72-2021999into receivership 24.02.00, KLM UK ret by 4.02.00
G-UKTJBritish Regional Airlines72-2022000sSouth. is, basic KLM UK col, ret Norwich s8.04.00, s21.09.00 NWI Vietnam AL, G-reg canc 26.09.00
VN-B242Vietnam Airlines72-2022000sNWI 28.07.02 full col/VN-rgd, retd
G-UKTJKLM UK72-2022002canc 20.12.02 to France
F-OHFQAir Italica72-2022003ATR ret 12.02 F-rgd, sTLS 05.01.03 pkd at SIDMI white no titles, still G-UKTJ rgd, s19.02.03 TLS SIDMI white, G-rgd, lsd to Air Italica in fc, arr Orio 23.07.03, later repo lsd to Alisea till 30.06.03, Air Italica ceased after three months
F-OHFQAlisea Airlines72-2022003AL ceased 15.12.03. sSonderborg 04.10.04 white, taped F-reg, canc 30.09.04
OY-RTDCimber Air72-2022004Air Bosna 07.04 ntu, ATRiam Cap OY-rgd 18.10.04, sCPH 19.10.04 fc, AL ceased 03.05.12, str Copenhagen
OY-RUGDanish Air Transport72-2022012s17.08.12 full Cimber cs inside Danish AT hangar, frd to Dublin 24.04.13 lsd to Aer Arann, frd CPH-Ornskoldsvik 11.12.13 lsd to NextJet, lsd to FlyBe 09.14 for two weeks to cover overhauls, ret 08.10.14, lsd to Aer Arann/Stobart Air, frd CPH--BHX 26-27.10.14, wfs 04.01.15, frd to Esbjerg 06.01.15 ret to DAT, lsd to Stobart 27.03.16 frd Kaunas-Dublin, fis 27.03.16 for Aer Lingus Regional, summer lse, ret to DAT 01.07.16, Finnair wlsd 10.10.16, Blue Islands lsd 21.11.16 while cn 634 is repaired
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OY-RUG Danish Air TransportEGPHFlyDroo