ATR 72 [521]

Registration: 2-ATRH
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Scrapped
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWEDATR72-212A 1997
B-3022China Xinjiang Airlines 72-212A1997
B-3022China Southern Airlines72-212A2004depa Helsinki 16.04.05 still China Xinjiang col after overh, last ChS ATR on register 31.08.11 canc 15.09.11
HK-4828-XSATENA - Servicio Aereo a Territorios Nacionales72-212A2012Nordic Avtn Capital bt 08.09.11, placed in trust with WFBN N-rgd 21.09.11, KA1 P/S r17.02.12, frd MCT--REK 17-18.02.12 white, N-reg canc 16.02.12, KA1 P/S r17.02.12, h/o 09.03.12, sMedellin 24.03.12 dual reg, FAC-1186 on tail
2-ATRHLessor72-212A2018sSonderborg 20.02.17 str OY-reg painted but not offic rgd, s02.08.17, canc 07.11.18 to be parted out
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