ATR 72 [565]

Registration: F-WKVE
Operator: ATR
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWEEATR72-212A 1998
EC-HEJAir Nostrum72-212A1999sTLS 29.09.98, 16.11.98 Jet AW fc, canc, Paris Airshow 6.99 full Iberia/Nostrum col, sis 1.07.99 Palma
PR-PDEPassaredo Linhas Aereas72-212A2012frd VLC-Montp 05.10.12, for repaint, ret to lessor F-rgd, frd to TLS 22.10.12 full Passaredo cs, still s03.12.12, frd TLS--Sal 08.12.12, PR-rgd 11.12.12, frd Sal--TLS 05.08.16 ret lessor
F-WKVEATR72-212A2016ATR F-rgd after return, but still painted PR-rgd at LFBF s18.12.16, frd TLS-BLL 22.12.17 F-WNUG, id not conf (maybe 1464?)
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PR-PDE Passaredo Linhas AereasSBRPJLRAviation
EC-HEJ Air NostrumLEPAgrahamepage