ATR 72 [570]

Registration: G-LMRZ
Operator: Loganair
HEX Code: 407911
Engines: PWC PW127F x 2
Fleet Name: RMA Western Isles Flyer /
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWEGATR72-212A 1998
EC-HEIAir Nostrum72-212A1999sTLS 15.10.98 Jet AW full col, canc, sTLS 18.06.99 full Iberia/Nostrum col
F-WKVILessor72-212A2012ATRiam Capital
CX-LFLBQB Lineas Aereas72-212A2013ATR bt back, airtest TLS 15.01.13, LFBF-TLS-LPA 18.01.13, sis POA 19.03.13 add leaves, snow and flower blossom stickers
OY-YANLessor72-212A2015Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC). Std BLL 19.02.2015
OY-YANExpress Airways72-212A2015Frd BLL-LJU 22.07.15 still BQB bcs, Express AW titles, frd LJU-MGL 07.11.15 ret lessor,
OY-YANLessor72-212A2015Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC). Std BLL 14.11.2015, std TLS 12.03.2016, std BLL 19.03.2016.
EC-MLFCanary Fly72-212A2016Frd BLL--LPA 22.04.16. WFU 02.02.2018. Std DNR 09.04.2018, std BLL 20.04.2018
OY-YANLessor72-212A(F)2018Cvtd to cargo.
G-LMRZBlue Islands72-212A(F)2019Opf Loganair from 11.11.2019
G-LMRZLoganair72-212A(F)2020Std ABZ 25.10.2023, ret svc 13.03.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-LMRZ LoganairEGPFAyronautica
G-LMRZ LoganairOTT/OFFairman45GB
G-LMRZ LoganairEGNXFlyDroo
G-LMRZ LoganairOTT/OFFgrahamepage
EC-MLF Canary FlyGCRRgrahamepage
EC-HEI Air NostrumLEMDJLRAviationPhoto Taken