ATR 72 [577]

Registration: G-LMRX
Operator: Loganair
HEX Code: 407DE4
Engines: PWC PW127M x 2
Fleet Name: RMA Captain E E Fresson O
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
4X-AVZArkia72-212A1998sis 04.03.11 TLV special 'Amsterdam, Paris, Rome, Moscow, Kiev $99' decal
HB-ACEASL Airlines Switzerland72-212A(F)2015del 05.08.15 SDE--SGD Arkia fcs, not for Darwin pax ops, but for F-ops by ASL, repaint fcs EMA, ret BSL 10.11.15, canc 01.11.16, frd CGN--Cluj 28.10.16
EI-SOOASL Airlines Ireland72-212A(F)2016fis 04.11.16 ex CGN. WFU and std SOF 31.12.2021.
G-LMRXLoganair72-212A(F)2022Lsd from ASL Aviation Holdings
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-LMRX LoganairEGPFAyronautica
EI-SOO ASL Airlines IrelandEGPFFlyDroo