ATR 72 [580]

Registration: PR-TKN
Operator: Flyways Linhas Aereas
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EC-HCGAir Nostrum72-212A1999sTLS 16.11.98 no reg/col, sTLS 2.04.99 basic Iberia col, sis Palma 8.05.99 Iberia Reg col, add Nostrum tit, dam 21.01.12 San Sebastian, moved forward after removal of chocks, right prop struck GP and shattered, damaging the fuselage, repairable
PR-TKNTRIP Linhas Aereas72-212A2012frd TLS-Lanzarote white
PR-TKNAzul Linhas Aereas72-212A2013s30.01.15 Belo Horizonte white
PR-TKNFlyways Linhas Aereas72-212A2015ASU-IGU white, sManaus 26.06.15 fcs, formal del Manaus-GIG 13.07.15 airline now ready to launch sched pax svc ar 01.11.15, see news at cn 367, AL temp. susp. ops 07.16 while this (sole) aircraft undergoes overhaul, airline restarted, first svc with this AC 10.10.16, wfs again 27.10.16 pkd Belo Horizonte, AL ceased again, offered 11.18 for lease/sale
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
PR-TKN Flyways Linhas AereasSBBRJLRAviation
EC-HCG Air NostrumLEMDJLRAviation
EC-HCG Air NostrumLEMDGreggy