ATR 72 [595]

Registration: EC-MEC
Operator: Swiftair
HEX Code: 344647
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
OY-CIOCimber Air72-212A1999Air Nostrum reall, Lufthansa Cityline col, demo to LBG and Prague 3.10.99, sis 31.10.99 Nuremberg, s1.09.02 CPH now full Cimber col, canc 30.09.04
EC-JCFAir Nostrum72-212A2004sAlmeira Iberia col 03.10.04
3B-NBKAir Mauritius 72-212A2006ret Cimber, sEIN 27.11.06 full Maur col, dd fc via Malta 05.12.06, also repo Sonderborg--Cairo 02.12.06, arr Sonderberg 11.03.11 white, ret lessor
OY-CIOCimber Air72-212A2011Danske Aviation Group, USA r23.03.11, AL ceased 03.05.12, str Copenhagen, for operating lease via 12.12, s str BLL 09.05.13, Danske Avtn Group r15.10.14, canc 04.12.14
EC-MECSwiftair72-212A2014BLL-MAD, repo opf Antrak Air Ghana before 09.15, based Ghana opf Starbow AL by 10.15, ret to MAD 23.01.16, sPMI 01.03.16 opf Air Europa, white
EC-MECStarbow Airlines72-212A2017MAD--ACC 07-08.01.17
EC-MECAir Europa Express72-212A2017s25.06.17 new Air Europa titles, opb Swiftair, to LFBF 11-27.03.19 for paint in Air Eur Expr fcs
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All Users Sightings

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EC-MEC Air Europa ExpressLEPAgrahamepage
EC-MEC Air Europa ExpressLEALFlyDroo