ATR 72 [664]

Registration: HB-ACC
Operator: Adria Airways Switzerland
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
D-ANFJEurowings 72-212A2001in production s19.09.00 TLS, wfu 25.03.05 NUE, tt 7610:29, 7979 l
D-ANFJContact Air72-212A2005sDUS 22.05.06 LH Regional col, owner Eurowings-ATR tfd 20.04.09, still lsd to Contact Air, wfu 18.12.09, frd to Saarbr
I-ADCDAir Dolomiti72-212A2010frd VRN-BOD for repaint, I-rgd, ret VRN 28.02.10, ATRiam sold to Nordic Avtn Cap A/S ann 11.02.10, dam 17.05.12 Munich 0(62) emergency landing after smoke entering flightdeck and engine problems, hard landing and ran off runway, nose gear collapsed, ext damaged but repairable, s02.08.12 in hangar, being repaired, frd MUC-LFBF 15.12.12 for further repairs, s12.08.13 now white, insid Atlantic Air Industries hangar, ret lessor? frd LFBF-TLS 26.03.14 white, frd M
HB-ACCEtihad Regional72-212A2014repainted, ret M
HB-ACCAdria Airways Switzerland72-212A2017SCN str 18.10.17, frd SCN--BLL 19.09.18 for str
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
HB-ACC Etihad RegionalLFPGWarthog1
I-ADCD Air DolomitiEDDMcolinw