ATR 72 [674]

Registration: EI-HAC
Operator: ASL Airlines Ireland
HEX Code: 4CACB1
Engines: PWC PW127F x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WQMKATR72-212A2001in production s14.02.01 TLS, s30.03.01, del due 20.08.01
VT-JCFJet Airways72-212A2001Aergo Leasing r12.01.09, still lsd to Jet AW, ret lessor by 10.12
OK-GFQCSA Czech Airlines72-212A2012LCA-PRG VT-reg, fis 09.10.12, s16.07.13 special 90 years 1923-2013 anniversary sticker, frd PRG--ASW 28.10.14 wetlse to Air Mauritius due ret 15.01.15
OK-GFQAir Mauritius72-212A2014
OK-GFQCSA Czech Airlines72-212A2015
OK-GFQAir Mauritius72-212A2015
OK-GFQCSA Czech Airlines72-212A2016WFU and std PRG 13.03.2020. Std BZG 03.03.2021. Std WAW 29.04.2021. Freight conv at LFBF 10.2021-01.2022. Std SOF 12.01.2022.
EI-HACASL Airlines Ireland72-212(F)2022Frd SOF-LGG 01.07.2022 on del.
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-HAC ASL Airlines IrelandEBLGWarthog1