ATR 72 [699]

Registration: 2-XSEV
Operator: Lessor
HEX Code: 43F76F
Engines: PWC PW127F x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Other
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VT-KAAKingfisher Airlines72-212A2006sTLS 13.12.02 fc, 7T-VVT Khalifa AW ntu, 7T-reg under wing, s12.02.03 pkd, s25.05.03 str F-rgd, s14.07.04 str still ex Khalifa col, s14.06.05 full Khalifa col, taped up minus engines, s28.11.05, moved inside for repaint ar 01.06, r/o 17.02.06 TLS fc, back on prodline s02.03.06, ATR Gie r03.04.06, KF Aero r30.06.06, arr St Brieuc 21.02.08, maint?
M-ABFCLessor72-212A2012s str Bangalore 02.12.12 basic KF cs no engines, frd to KUL 03.14
VT-APAAir Pegasus72-212A2014own Elix, based Bangalore, M-reg canc 24.10.14, s12.03.15 Bangalore, route proving flights, due fis 03.15 plus 2 others, new airline launches services 12.04.15
M-ABKMLessor72-212A2016ret to Ellix Assets 7 Ltd M-rgd 29.09.16, frd Bangalore--SZB 23-25.11.16, frd XSP--LFBF 28.11-10.12.18 for str, LFBF-ATH 30.04.19 M-reg
SX-SEVSky Express Greece72-212A2019Lsd from Elix Aviation Capital until 06.2022, Abelo from 06.2022. WFU 31.03.2024
2-XSEVLessor72-212A2024Abelo. Frd SOF-EXT for painting 24.09.2024
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SX-SEV Sky Express GreeceLGKRFlyDroo
SX-SEV Sky Express GreeceLGKRFlyDroo
SX-SEV Sky Express GreeceLGZAGreggy
SX-SEV Sky Express GreeceLGZAGreggy