ATR 72 [702]

Registration: VQ-THW
Operator: InterCaribbean Airways
HEX Code: 40039F
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name: Captain H Williams
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-ATSMAlitalia Express72-212A2002str/fs s19.12.08 Cologne fc, Nordic Aviation Capital 09.09, I-reg canc 12.10.09 to OY-
TC-YADBoraJet72-212A2009Nordic Avtn Contractor OY-rgd 12.11.09, still str CGN s17.11.09 full AZ Expr col, BoraJet bt 02.12.09, del 24.01.10 CGN-IST still AZ fc, offered for sale 05.11 via, damaged 02.08.11 Ankara ESB, damaged by debris blown into it during storm while parked
8Q-VAWVilla Air-FlyMe72-212A2015OY-rgd 18.12.14 NAC, BLL-EIN 08.01.15 for repaint, frd BLL 19.01.15, frd BLL--MLE 06-07.02.15 OY-rgd, canc 16.02.15, frd MLE--MGL 09-11.05.18, presum for overhaul
VQ-THWInterCaribbean Airways72-212A2023
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
8Q-VAW Villa Air-FlyMeVRMMEGLL Spotter
TC-YAD BoraJetLTFEWarthog1