ATR 72 [707]

Registration: C-GKFD
Operator: Kelowna Flightcraft
HEX Code: C05F96
Engines: PWC PW127F x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
I-ADLWAir Dolomiti72-212A2004s str 30.07.03 Toulouse SE corner of airfield, s 19.11.03 str outside primer, last svc 25.10.13, frd MUC-SCN 29.10.13 ret lessor
I-ADLWMistral Air72-212A2014frd SCN-NWI 27.05.14 for repaint Poste Italiane cs, frd to FCO 06.06.14, wlsd to Air Berlin 07.07.16, fis NUE-HAM 08.07.16, ret to Mistral 13.08.16, lsd to Air Berlin 28.09.16, ret 25.10.16, lsd to CSA 25.10.16, ret 28.10.16, Air Berlin wlsd 12.04.17, ret DUS-NPL 26.05.17 at 10000 ft with pressurisation problem. WFU 01.07.2018, std LFBF 08.11.2018
2-GPIBLessor72-212A2019BoA Leasing. Std GCI 13.09.2021, std YLW 27.09.2021
C-GKFDKelowna Flightcraft72-212A2025
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All Users Sightings

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I-ADLW Air DolomitiEDDMJLRAviation