ATR 72 [740]

Registration: 9N-ANG
Operator: Yeti Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VT-DKKAir Deccan72-212A2007testregi error for F-WWEU, orig repo as VT-DKH but see cn 739, sTLS 06.04.07 still VT-DKH under wing, sMRS 19.04.07 F-rgd, TLS s15.10.07 fc, reason for delay in del?, Indec TLC r02.01.08
VT-DKKKingfisher Airlines72-212A2008
HS-DRCNok Air72-212A2012Indec Tyurbo Leasing Comp ret M-rgd 12.09.12, sSingapore XSP 30.11.12 still KF fcs, M-reg canc 31.12.12, sDMK 30.01.13 purple cs, wfs 31.01.19
9N-ANGYeti Airlines72-212A2019DMK-KTM
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