ATR 72 [743]

Registration: 9G-SBF
Operator: Starbow Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VT-KAGKingfisher Airlines72-212A2007depa TLS 03.03.07, Veling Narain r05.03.07, for lease or sale via myairlease 10.12, AL ceased 20.10.12, s str Bangalore 28.10.12
OY-EBWPortugalia72-212A2014Veling Narain ret M-rgd 26.03.13, frd 30.04-02.05.13 MCT--LFBF for overhaul, s12.08.13 faded cs, on overhaul, Pelita AS ntu, frd TLS--BLL 23-30.05.14, Nordic Avtn Comp bt r27.05.14, M-reg canc 05.06.14, OY-rgd 02.07.14, frd BLL-LIS 04.07.14 Portugalia lse 07-30.09.14 until del of 2nd ATR 42-600, frd to M
VT-APDAir Pegasus72-212A2016own NAC, AL ceased 27.07.16, operating permit suspended 29.11.16 after failing guarantees for resumption
9G-SBFStarbow Airlines72-212A2017NAC OY-rgd r06.12.16, frd Bangalore--BLL 07-13.01.17, NAC Aviation 8 r22.05.17, frd BLL-EMA 23.10.17 for repaint Starbow, s29.10.17 fcs, depa BLL 21.11.17, damaged 25.11.17 Accra 0(68) veered off the runway during take-off, damage to #1 engine after hitting perimeter fence, AL temp ceased, due to fly again in 07.18, but not confirmed with this ac, presum available 12.18 by NAC
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