ATR 72 [767]

Registration: SX-NIV
Operator: Sky Express Greece
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
VT-KANKingfisher Airlines72-212A2007KF Turbo Leasing r18.12.07, AL ceased ops 20.10.12, ret lessor, reg canc 09.13, fate?
VT-CMAAir Carnival72-212A2016KF Turbo Leasing ret M-rgd 14.10.13, frd SSH--LFBF 01-02.01.15 Kingfisher cs, s str LFBF 27.03.15 white, Elix Assets 7 Ltd M-rgd 21.07.15, sLFBF white, for lease 12.15, tt 12000, 10750 l, frd to Paphos 12.04.16, M-reg canc 27.04.16, photo exists in full white/pink cs with BAI on nosewheeldoor and presum M-IBAI taped reg, presum ar 04.16, sched pax service started late 18.07.16 Coimbatore to Chennai and Madurai, AL suspended 05.04.17
2-SWKELessor72-212A2017XSP--DWC 07-09.04.19
SX-NIVSky Express Greece72-212A2019frd 27.04-07.06.19 DWC--ATH
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
SX-NIV Sky Express GreeceLGKRFlyDroo