ATR 72 [797]

Registration: XY-AJI
Operator: Yangon Airways
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
EI-REPAer Arann72-212A2008
EI-REPAer Lingus Regional72-212A2010frd to SNN 20.03.10 for repaint fc, ret DUB 26.03.10, last svc 17.03.13 EDI-DUB, for sale, engines removed for overhaul s05.13, engines reinstalled, frd to Dinard 01.06.13 for further overhaul, ret DUB 26.06.13 Yangon fcs
XY-AJIYangon Airways72-212A2013frd DUB--HBE 10-11.07.13 EI-rgd, canc 16.07.13
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EI-REP Aer Lingus RegionalOTT/OFFAyronautica
EI-REP Aer Lingus RegionalOTT/OFFAyronautica
EI-REP Aer Lingus RegionalEGPFRJflyerPhoto Taken
EI-REP Aer Lingus RegionalOTT/OFFAyronautica
EI-REP Aer ArannEGGWWarthog1