ATR 72 [846]

Registration: ZS-XZE
Operator: Solenta Aviation
HEX Code: 00BF5B
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
PP-PTTTRIP Linhas Aereas72-212A2010sTLS 02.03.09 Islas AW fc str, ntu, s09.05.09 taped for long term storage, s16.06.09 on prodline, now for TRIP, primer, s18.08.09 fc, s07.10.09 now being prepared for delivery, sLHR 16.10.09, sTLS 25.01.10 no longer wears F-reg, del to TRIP, sold to Nordic AC and lsd back, depa TLS 09.02.10 fc
PP-PTTAzul Linhas Aereas72-212A2013s06.14 Trip bcs, Azul titles, frd CNF--TLS 27-29.03.16 ret lessor, sBLL 10.05.16 str white
EC-MMZAir Europa72-212A2016r23.06.16 Billund Leasing, frd BLL-MGL 24.06.16 white, frd BLL-VLC 15.07.16, OY-reg canc 20.07.16, Air Europa titles, white, operated by Aeronova, frd MAD-MGL ar 31.10.16 type wfs by Aeronova, repaint in Air Europa ncs, ret to MAD 03.11.16
2-AALALessor72-212A2022ACIA Aero Leasing . Std YEB 15.07.2022
ZS-XZESolenta Aviation72-212A(F)2023Opf DHL
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-MMZ Air EuropaOTT/OFFAlan Alicante