ATR 72 [98]

Registration: F-WWEY
Operator: ATR
HEX Code:
Engines: PW127M x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Production
Status: Stored
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWEYATR72-2021988sTLS 30.10.00 PW127 engs, cvtd to 212A, s3.01.01 nc, s13.07.04 new(er?) col, s flying 04.07, due testbed for PW127M engines repo 02.08, sTLS 11.07.08 heavy maint, no wings and parts, sTLS 23.09.08 rebuilt with wings from 721 still with VT-DKC underneath, for nc 11.08
F-WWEYATR72-6002008mod from 212A almost complete by 11.08, engine run 19.05.09, old col but large 600 replaces 500, ff 24.07.09 TLS, s09.09.09 new ATR 72-600 promo col, frd to Farnborough 15.07.10 for display, undertakes test flights ar 06.15 as part of Europe's Clean Sky inititative, with section of upper fuselage replace by a composite panel with acoustic damping and health monitoring technologies, testprogram to last 6 flights, s05.07.16 TLS new corporate cs, preserved Aeroscopia Museum, Toulouse ar 08.19
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