ATR 72 [982]

Registration: EC-MHJ
Operator: Canary Fly
HEX Code:
Engines: PW124B x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Active
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
TC-YAFBoraJet72-212A2011frd IST-Billund 27.08.14 ret lessor, s20.12.14 fcs, not yet OY-rgd
OY-JAFSAS Scandinavian Airlines72-212A2015NAC-Nordic Avtn Contractor r27.02.15, frd EIN-BLL 16.03.15 after repaint in Jet Time cs, NAC Avtn 19 r28.04.15 lsd to Jet Time or ntu/error; frd BLL--LPA 02.06.15, for? see also cn 879 perhaps mix up
EC-MHJBinter Canarias72-212A2015frd BLL--LPA, OY-reg canc 17.06.15, Binter fcs s27.07.16
EC-MHJAir Europa Express72-212A2018sMAD fcs
EC-MHJCanary Fly72-212A2019fis 07.10.19, AE bcs, LFBF-LPA 20.12.19 after paint
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
EC-MHJ Air Europa ExpressGCLPFlyDroo
EC-MHJ Binter CanariasGCRRgrahamepage
EC-MHJ Binter CanariasGCTSEGLL Spotter
EC-MHJ Binter CanariasGCTSWarthog1
TC-YAF BoraJetLTFEWarthog1