Aerospatiale/BAC Concorde [210]

Registration: G-BOAD
Operator: British Airways
HEX Code:
Engines: RR Olympus 593 x 4
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Preserved
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
G-BOADBACConcorde 1021976
G-BOADBritish AirwaysConcorde 1021976wfu 8.06.00, ff 29.01.02 after modifications, ret i.s. 10.02.02, wfu 22.10.03, pres. at Intrepid Air and Space museum in New York late 2003, ferry flight 10.11.03 to JFK, transported on barge 24-25.11.03 to Manhattan, tt 23397, 8406 l, reg canc 04.05.04, moved to Aviator's Sports and Recreation Centre, Brooklyn NYC by 2007, see link
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
G-BOAD British AirwaysKJFKSteve OBE
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGCCAV8 Photos
G-BOAD British AirwaysKJFKWarthog1
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGLLScottyBoy76
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGPKAyronautica
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGLLWarthog1
G-BOAD British AirwaysEGLLcolinw