Airbus A310 [172]

Registration: TC-JYK
Operator: KTHY Kibris Turk Hava Yollari
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-80A3 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WZLIAirbus IndustrieA310-2031982
F-WZLIAirbus IndustrieA310-2031982
F-GEMFAir France A310-2031986wfu sCh?teauroux 10.08.94 (convtd. A310-322),canc 22.12.94
TC-JYKKTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariA310-2031994ro 11.12 fc, sIST white-cs blue tail pkd outside THY hangar 27.02.04, s29.04.05
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLAirbusGary
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLAyronautica
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLAyronautica
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLGreggy
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLWarthog1
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLAyronautica
TC-JYK KTHY Kibris Turk Hava YollariEGLLScottyBoy76
F-GEMF Air France EGLLAyronautica
F-GEMF Air France EGLLAyronautica
F-GEMF Air France EGLLWarthog1
F-WZLI Airbus IndustrieEGLFAyronautica
F-WZLI Airbus IndustrieEGLFWarthog1