Airbus A310 [378]

Registration: N803FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code:
Engines: PW PW4152 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCAAirbus IndustrieA310-3241985
P2-ANAAir NiuginiA310-3241989proto
P2-ANACompass Airlines A310-3241991ret 5.04.91
LZ-JXAJES AirA310-3241991impounded 5.11.92 (non-payments) Manchester
P2-ANAAir NiuginiA310-3241992rr7.11/frd 10.12 MAN-Cairo,s pkd Singapore 2.01.93,s7.4/sHKG 2.07.93 with titles (white tail) is?, last svc 15.08.02, arr&str MHV 25.08.02
N853CHTNACCA310-3242002s still with P-2-reg 05.10.03
N853CHFedex - Federal ExpressA310-3242004arr-->DRS for F-conv 06.12.04, N803FD req 12.04
N803FDFedex - Federal ExpressA310-324(F)2005F-cvtd 09.05, wfs 02.01.18, frd to VCV 03.01.18 and pwfu
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Date Reg Operator Location User
N803FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKVCVgrahamepage
N803FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKIADcolinw