Airbus A310 [410]

Registration: OE-LMP
Operator: Ariana Afghan Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4E1 x
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCFAirbus IndustrieA310-3221985
HB-IPISwissair A310-3221986wfu 9.04.99
A4O-OBOman AirA310-3221999frd 1.05.99, ret lessor 19.12.99 Bordeaux,. C-check
S7-RGRVietnam AirlinesA310-3222000sBordeaux white 31.03.00 as F-WQLE, s11.04.00 Osaka white, red winglets, S7-rgd, own Region Air, lsd to Vietnam AL
PK-LEOMentari Lion AirlinesA310-3222001ex-Air Wagon sub lease, sJakarta fcs 07.01, ret Region Air & pkd fcs Singapore 13.06.02, s str CGK 22.06.02, str Singapore Lion AL-fcs 26.11.02
PK-AWAAwairA310-3222001ceased ops alreday 03.02, not conf, no sightings
S7-RGQRegion AirA310-3222003reg and c/n tiedup, sSingapore Lion AL-cs no engines 18.02.03
N410ANMSAA310-3222003arrMHV 16.06.03, s05.10.03, own AAL, own 409-410 LLC 10.03.04
N410ANCorporateA310-3222005(remains str till faith is known)
OE-LMPCorporateA310-3222005sVCV white-cs td, frd through YQX to BEY for maint prior del 18.11.05
OE-LMPAriana Afghan AirlinesA310-3222007sBRU white-cs str td, s dirty conditions 08.06.08, s22.03.14, OE-reg canc 11.14, brup 11.02.15
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All Users Sightings

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HB-IPI Swissair EGCCAV8 Photos
HB-IPI Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-IPI Swissair LSZHAyronautica
HB-IPI Swissair EKCHWarthog1