Airbus A310 [437]

Registration: S7-RGN
Operator: Pacific Airlines
HEX Code:
Engines: PW JT9D-7R4E1 x
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Historic
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCYAirbus IndustrieA310-3221986
OO-SCCSabena A310-3221987own Aviafin (JP92)/wfu Bordeaux 17.05.97 TT 44314,8888 L,canc 20.05.97,to MoS by 11.97
PP-PSDPassaredoA310-3221997MSA I r23.04.98, s27.01.00 (not to P4-, error), frd to US early 2000 for repairs, repo 8.00, believed PK-AWD lsd to Region Air slsd to Air Wagon Int'l by 03.01
PK-AWDAwairA310-3222000own MSA, frd Fayetteville-->Honolulu 19.12.00, lsd to Air Wagon by 3.01, id not conf, rep storage at Singapore by 04.01
SU-BOWAMC AirlinesA310-3222002sCDG td
SU-BOWAir MaliA310-3222002sisCDG 15.08.02
SU-BOWAMC AirlinesA310-3222003sLIS white-cs red/black-tit td, sCDG fcs 01.01.05
ST-ASTSudan Airways A310-3222005sKRT td, wfu 2010, sKRT wfu faded-cs parts missing 27.07.11, s02.09.12
S7-RGNPacific AirlinesA310-3222021sSingapore 07.01, ret by Region Air to MSA 08.02
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
OO-SCC Sabena KBOSAyronautica
OO-SCC Sabena EBBRAyronautica
OO-SCC Sabena EKCHWarthog1