Airbus A310 [449]

Registration: N809FD
Operator: Fedex - Federal Express
HEX Code:
Engines: PW PW4152 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Freighter
Status: Stored
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Personal Sightings

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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCGAirbus IndustrieA310-3241987
N813PAPan Am A310-3241987
N813PADelta Air LinesA310-3241991wfu s26.02.94 Atlanta, white no tit,sTLS 11.09.95/canc 1.96 WTC
C-GCIOAir Club InternationalA310-3241996sJoh 25.08.96
F-WHPVAirbus IndustrieA310-3241998sLBG, frd to Bru 15.04.98,s27.05.98 fc
F-OHPVAeropostalA310-3241998Bru testfl 4.08.98 full col, depa 22.08.98, own WTC r19.08.98, due ret 18.08.03, but arr LBG 14.10.99, s31.10.99 full Aeropostal col, retd to Airbus (was due ret 18.08.03), frd TLS 10.01.00 fc, s12.03.00
F-OHPVKhalifa AirwaysA310-3242000sTLS fc 23.05.00, own WTC, sCHR Khalifa-fcs after financial problems 30.03.03
N809FDFedex - Federal ExpressA310-324(F)2005sold by AFS td, sDRS same-cs no rudder 04.06.05, F-cvtd & dep-->MEM via DNR 04.07.06, wfs 19.06.18, frd MEM-VCV 20.07.18 repo wfs, but frd VCV-Guanghzou 25-29.09.18, maintenance, ret to MEM 27-29.11.18, fis 29.11.18, wfs 27.12.19, frd to VCV 28.12.19
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
N809FD Fedex - Federal ExpressKMEMgrahamepage
F-OHPV Khalifa AirwaysLFPGgrahamepage
C-GCIO Air Club InternationalEGLLWarthog1
C-GCIO Air Club InternationalEGLLAyronautica
N813PA Pan Am EGPKAyronautica