Airbus A310 [473]

Registration: J-757
Operator: Pakistan Air Force
HEX Code: 7602F5
Engines: GE CF6-80C2A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Military
Status: Stored
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCCAirbus IndustrieA310-3041989
F-ODSVSomali AirlinesA310-3041989wfu late 90 FRA (civil war),22.12.92 Bordeaux/ Air Alg NTU
F-ODSVAlyemdaA310-3041993ro2.06.93 XLWfc,toTLS 18.06.93,s18.08.93 is Orly,s Jeddah 4.94 str,s12.12.94 Alyemen tit,sLHR 28.05.95 Aly
F-ODSVYemenia AirwaysA310-3041996sLHR fc,Filton 2.04.96 maint/ret Airbus 6.96 Filton Alyemen,s1.97 still fc,s 28.06.97 no engs lse Tunis Air, ntu
A7-AAFQatar Government A310-3041998HAM 16.03.98 for refitting, F-reg canc 20.02.98, del Doha 18.11.98 VIP, sBangkok Qatar AW fcs 30.07.01
A7-AAFQatar AirwaysA310-3042001sDOH white-cs 19.12.06
AP-OOIPakistan Air ForceA310-3042007AP-GOP NTU, also J-757
J-757Pakistan Air ForceA310-3042011WFU and std KHI 16.05.2013
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
A7-AAF Qatar AirwaysEGLLAyronautica
F-ODSV AlyemdaEGLLScottyBoy76
F-ODSV AlyemdaEGLLWarthog1