Airbus A310 [519]

Registration: TC-SGC
Operator: Iran Air Tours
HEX Code:
Engines: GE CF6-80C2A2 x 2
Fleet Name:
Type: Passenger
Status: Scrapped
Last Known Location:

Personal Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location
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Airframe History

R P Reg Operator Model Date Notes
F-WWCGAirbus IndustrieA310-3041989
5Y-BFTKenya AirwaysA310-3041989ILFC, ret ILFC 01.02
VT-EVIAir IndiaA310-3042002date to be confirmed, rgd to ILFC 14.01.02, sTLS named "Brahmaputra" 10.04.02, still pkd 16.06.02, sisDXB 03.04, ret ILFC 06.05
TC-SGCAir AlgerieA310-3042005lsd to Saga AL, sLIS white-cs small red Algerie-tit 30.06.05, ret Saga AL 27.11.05
TC-SGCMahan AirA310-3042005sMAN fcs td
TC-SGCSaga AirlinesA310-3042006sDRS on an Inter AL flight td
TC-SGCPakistan International AirlinesA310-3042007sISB white-cs td
TC-SGCAir AlgerieA310-3042007frd-->ALG td, ret Saga AL 01.08
TC-SGCGhana AirwaysA310-3042008sJED td, ret Saga AL 02.08
TC-SGCShaheen Air InternationalA310-3042008ret Saga AL 06.08
TC-SGCAriana Afghan AirlinesA310-3042008sKBL td, s IST 09.05.12
TC-SGCSaga AirlinesA310-3042012s white-cs td, sIST white-cs 24.09.12
TC-SGCIran Air ToursA310-3042012sMHD derelict 25.08.14
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All Users Sightings

Date Reg Operator Location User
TC-SGC Pakistan International AirlinesEGLLgrahamepage
5Y-BFT Kenya AirwaysEGLLScottyBoy76
5Y-BFT Kenya AirwaysEGLLWarthog1
5Y-BFT Kenya AirwaysEGLLAyronautica